Quick jump to:
Community Safety Department
We prevent incidents from happening through community engagement, advice and intervention.
Our aim is to make people safer in their homes and on the roads.
With rivers and the coast nearby, water safety is also important for the residents and visitors to Northumberland.
We attend events and run campaigns throughout the year to share our safety messages and tackle anti-social behaviour. We help schools and community groups too.
Safe and wellbeing visits
When we visit your home to fit smoke alarms, we look at your lifestyle and behaviours so we can advise you on how to keep you and your family safe from harm, injury and risk.
We work with other organisation such as Social Services and the NHS so we can identify those most at risk from fire or injury. We also use recent incidents that our crews have attended to help us keep our communities safe and well. We use this opportunity to put our residents first and visit all homes in residential streets to offer home fire safety advice and hand out smoke alarms.
Fire safety for young people
We provide education to any organisation working with young people aged 5-18 years-old. We talk about fire safety, water safety and road safety we also look at anti-social behaviour and fire setting.
When firefighters have attended incidents that are caused by people setting deliberate fires this gives us the opportunity to step up our schools and youth group visits.
By talking and listening we can make a difference through education.
Check out our new Padlet for the under 5’s.
We’re helping teach the little ones all about fire safety. Teachers, parents feel free to click the link and use it in your classroom or at home. We’ve even got a video from Timone and Pumba on there!
Extinguish Programme
Extinguish is a fire awareness programme which helps educate young people - up to the age of 18 who are involved in setting deliberate fires.
We work closely with other organisations such as Social Services, schools, Youth Justice and parents and carers. When someone has been identified as being at risk of setting fires we provide engaging fire safety education. We do this through games, videos, quizzes and 3D interactive videos. We look at how the young person is reacting and develop a suitable learning experience for them. We are currently looking into how we can measure the impact we make with these young people.
Fire Cadets
Are you aged between 13-17? Do you live in Northumberland? Do you want to make some new mates? Do you like a challenge?
Then why not put some adventure in your life and sign up to be one our Fire Cadets! As a cadet you’ll learn how to use:
Fire hoses
Climb ladders
Road traffic collision awareness
Search and rescue techniques
Our cadets have fun, make new friends, learn leadership and team working skills and you can work your way up the ranks just like our firefighters do.
Cadet drill nights are once a week between 6pm and 8pm at Alnwick, Berwick and Hexham. But don’t worry we are looking at opening up more cadet branches across more of our fire stations.
Prince's Trust Team Programme
The Prince’s Trust Team Programme is a 12-week course for 16 – 25 year olds.
If you’re not in education or working, why not sign up? You’ll get a recognised qualification which will help you in your future education or career.
Did you know that more than 70% of those who have taken part in our team programme either:
get a job
do more training
return to education
Why not give it a go?
Support for victims of fire or flooding
If you have been affected by fire or flooding you should consider contacting your:
insurance company
mortgage company, landlord or agent
children's school
utility companies
If you have been forced to relocate, you should remember to contact the Post Office to redirect mail to your new address and any delivery services that regularly attend your property.
Useful numbers:
Social Services - 0345 600 6400 (8.30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday) or 0345 600 5252 (outside normal office hours)
Department for Work and Pensions - for help with social security benefits in the Northumberland Area, please call and ask for your local Job Centre - 0345 604 3719
Northumbrian Water - 0345 717 1100 (24 hours)
Northumbria Police HQ - 01661 872 555
Age Concern Northumberland - 01670 784800
Citizens Advice Bureau - 03444 111 444 (this number covers the whole of Northumberland)
The Salvation Army divisional office - 0191 293 1360 (this number covers the whole of Northumberland)
Local housing departments:
Northumberland County Council – 0345 600 6400
Bernicia – 0844 800 3800
Karbon homes – 0808 164 0111