The England and Wales Wildfire Forum (EWWF) is a multi-agency stakeholder group of public, private and third-sector parties which works to address wildfire issues.
The forum is a voluntary strategic body, independent of government, created to expand knowledge and understanding of wildfire, with the overall purpose of reducing the harmful impact of wildfires by promoting joint working and collaboration.
You can find out more about how the forum works and who our members are by reading our Terms of Reference, or by contacting us.
Contact us:
If you require any more information about the EWWF, or you would like to join the forum, please contact: Robert Stacey, EWWF Secretary at  
Developing wildfire training
The EWWF works with a variety of partners to develop and improve wildfire awareness and training.
The EWWF and Moorland Association worked together recently to develop a short training course for land managers who may find themselves working alongside Fire and Rescue personnel at wildfires.
The aim of the training is to enhance understanding between the land management sector and Fire and Rescue Services and to promote safe systems of work at wildfire incidents for the benefit of all. 
The training consists of a presentation which will be of interest to a wide range of land managers, including estate workers, game keepers, farmers, forestry workers, countryside rangers etc. At the end of the presentation there is a link to a short online assessment to confirm understanding of key elements of the training.  
Working with wildfire stakeholders
The EWWF maintains close links with a number of other key wildfire stakeholder groups and projects around the UK, including:
Northern Ireland Wildfire Stakeholders Forum
The EWWF also maintains close links with international partners:
Republic of Ireland
Netherlands National Wildfire Project - Fire Brigade Netherlands and Institute for Physical Safety
Supporting and connecting local and regional wildfire groups
While we focus on national wildfire issues, we also work closely with regional and local wildfire groups to promote cooperation, collaboration and synergy on wildfire issues across England and Wales.
There are currently 14 local and regional groups in England and Wales that are addressing wildfire issues, including:
Gower Wildfire Group
Healthy Hillsides Project, Wales
Lancashire Fire Operations Group
North Yorkshire Wildfire Group
North York Moors Fire Liaison Group
Pembrokeshire Wildfire Group
Pennine Wildfire Working Group
South East of England Wildfire Group
South East Wales Upland Resilience Project
South Pennines Fire Operations Group
Local wildfire groups perform a key role in bringing together a variety of stakeholders to address wildfire risk and issues at local level. The EWWF can provide help, advice and support for anyone looking to create a new local wildfire group. 
Please contact us and let us know what you need and we will try to help. Please also contact us if your local wildfire group is not listed above.
Supporting wildfire events and conferences
The forum helps to organise and support wildfire events and conferences. Further details about current and previous events, supported by the forum, are provided below:
UK Wildfires 2022 Conference - 9 and 10 November 2022, Belfast
The next UK Wildfires Conference will be held at the Europa Hotel in Belfast on 9  and 10 November 2022. Plans are
in place and very few delegate places now remain. The deadline for registering to attend the event is 4th November 2022 at midday - if you have not booked your place then please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
The conference flyer provides further information about the keynote speakers. You can also find out more about
the event on the conference website
The conference organisers hosted a Wildfire Webinar on 10th November 2021 to help share some lessons learned during the 2021 wildfire season and to discuss potential themes and topics for the conference.
The event was recorded and can be watched below:
​If you are interested in attending and/or delivering a presentation at the conference in 2022, please email the conference organisation team to express your interest at 
UK Wildfires 2019 Conference - 20 and 21 November 2019, Cardiff
The two-day conference focussed on the theme of 'Manage the Fuel, Reduce the Risk'.
The conference was extremely successful: it was attended by 190 delegates from 15 countries and included 24 oral presentations and 18 poster presentations. The event provided opportunities to share and discuss good practice on how effective and coordinated land management can have a positive impact on reducing the threat and consequences of wildfires.
You can find out more about the conference by reading the Book of Abstracts.
EWWF meetings
The forum holds meetings at least two times per year to discuss wildfire issues of national importance. All members are invited to attend, provide briefings and contribute agenda items for discussion.
The forum also invites non-members to attend meetings to deliver presentations and participate in specific discussions. If you would like to attend a future meeting of the EWWF, please contact us.
Wildfire case studies
The EWWF has collected a number of case studies of wildfire incidents and good practice. These case studies are provided below as a source of information and inspiration.
Please click on the links below to view our case studies:
Case Studies from Northumberland:
Case Study from South Wales: 
Case Studies from Dorset:
Case Study from South East England:​
Case Study from Staffordshire: