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Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service

Protecting. Responding.

Making Northumberland Safer.

Welcome to the new online home of Northumberland Fire & Rescue

At Northumberland Fire and Rescue, our role is simple regardless of what each of us does - 'Making Northumberland Safer'. It means shaping everything we do to ensure we're able to protect our communities, our visitors, our environment, our infrastructure and our heritage.  This new website is a really important part of how we're going to make sure we achieve that goal.


The website is full of indispensable but easy to access safety information and practical guidance.  It has been developed to make sure that visitors to the site will be able to understand more about what we do, why we do it  and what our plans for the future are.  As well as the information to keep you safe, we want you to be kept up to date with what is happening so you'll find news and articles on what your fire and rescue service is delivering right across Northumberland. 


I hope you like the look, feel and content of the new website, but even more importantly, I really hope it provides the tools and content you need to keep your family and loved ones safe. I'd also love to think that it may even inspire people to consider joining our fantastic #TeamNFRS fire family and become part of a service that is committed to providing a service which is efficient and effective, reduces the risk of harm to our communities and improves the safety of all those we are here to serve. 


                          Paul Hedley

                                                    Paul Hedley QFSM
 Fire Officer, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service

Photo of NFRS Chief Fire Officer, Paul Hedley

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Quick links

An open fire barbeque with meat cooking on it

Fire safety & prevention

Firefighters training on how to safely abseil a casualty down the side of a building

Careers and volunteering

Two people testing a fire alarm at a corporate building

Community support

A person reading a map and pointing to it

Plans and partnerships

Fire fighters training putting a person onto a spinal board

Training courses

Woman Holding a Mobile Phone

Contact us

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